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Introduction to Base 10 / Introduction to Golden Beads

Introduction to Base 10 / Introduction to Golden Beads

Regular price $8.00 USD
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Introduction to Golden beads and the decimal system designed for public montessori. Activities for 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s

Using the Montessori Math material of Golden Beads material as a base these activities and worksheets are designed for children aged 6-9 , grades 1-3. A great material that can be used when teaching base 10 or used in Montessori classes when introducing Golden Beads .

Students will learn
- Place value of units, tens, hundreds and thousands
- How to read written numbers and numerals in the 10s, 100s and 1000s
- Visuals of what quantities look like

Uses montessori color coding.

The majority of the material is black and white.

These are also available in my place value bundle here  or the following products:

Make me
Place Value Tens and units
Adding with tens
Basic Place Value Task Cards
Advanced place value task cards
Advanced place value task cards set 2
Montessori Math: Hundreds Board Task Cards
Montessori Math: Hundred Board Puzzle Piece Task Cards

Check out our money saving maths bundle or junior math bundle

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