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Fundamental Human Needs Student Workbook (cosmic) (fundamental needs)

Fundamental Human Needs Student Workbook (cosmic) (fundamental needs)

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This Fundamental Needs work book is designed for a Montessori 6-9 class and works in tandem with the Third Great Montessori Story.


It is great for clarifying wants vs needs.


Using the Fundamental need cards children can work independently in this work book to connect knowledge from the card with their own knowledge.


This book is a great way of helping children apply, imagine and connect knowledge as opposed to just 'memorising' facts about wants and needs. It will help you see whether the students can get the deeper concepts of what it is to be human!


All needs have a section for the child to do simple copy work of about one sentence which describes the need.


Examples of activities:

-Draw and label the clothes of two people

-Draw two different types of shelter

-Draw a diagram of how to make a food

-These are tools used by our ancestors - draw some tools used today.



Covers the Fundamental Needs of:



Food x 2 pages


Communication x 3 pages



Social Acceptance



Spaces have been designed so that students can write and draw responses.






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