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Montessori Number bonds 11-20

Montessori Number bonds 11-20

Regular price $5.50 USD
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 Help your Montessori student learn their addition facts to the sums of 11-20 with these handy number bond sheets which help with composing and decomposing numbers.

Suitable for children who have been introduced to addition.

Children fill in the bond sheets using the colored beads as a prompt to see how addends make the sum.

Available for all addends up to 20

-Color copy onto card and laminate or place in a reusable plastic pocket
-Children fills in the bond sheets with a whiteboard/dry erase marker using the colored beads as a prompt to see how addends make the sum.
-Child uses colored beads to help them solve answers.
-When finished child wipes off the sheets for later use.

4 activities
1) Number bond with 2 colored beads as a prompt - child writes the numbers
2) Number bond with 1 colored bead as a prompt - child writes the numbers
3) Whole to part-part grid (revision) child writes in all the number bonds with no prompt.
4) Whole to part open ended sheets for children to use colored beads on.


NOTE: This comes as color only. It is designed to be used as a self-correcting activity center NOT as worksheets. Therefore there is no Black and white copy included


Check out my Montessori number fact knowledge bundle or you may be interested in the following items:

Addition Tables
Subtraction Tables
Multiplication Tables
Division Tables
Number Bonds to 10
Colored Bead Fact Families
Doubles plus 1
Adding Doubles
Montessori Teen Numbers

 Check out our money saving maths bundle or junior math bundle. 

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