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Montessori Checkerboard Task cards

Montessori Checkerboard Task cards

Regular price $9.00 USD
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These 42 task cards are designed for students who are being introduced to the Montessori Checkerboard. These math questions go into the millions units column so are numbers no larger than 9,999,999.

These task cards are in 3 sets, there are 14 questions in each set.
There are 2 task cards on each 'letter sized' page - an answer/self control is on the back. You will need to print back to back to get the self control on the page.

Set 1 - make the number
Set 2 – simple addition e.g. make 10 more than 324 567
Set 3 – place value type questions e.g. make the number that is 234 tens.

It is suggested they be used for students who are beginners of the checkerboard.

Print back to back (Question and self correction)

Laminate and keep in your maths area. Children can then individually complete the task cards.


45 pages


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