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'Lucy' Reading Passages (early humans) (cosmic)

'Lucy' Reading Passages (early humans) (cosmic)

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Lucy is the nickname given to the fossilized remains of a hominid species known as Australopithecus afarensis. The most famous specimen, officially named AL 288-1, was discovered in 1974 in the Afar region of Ethiopia by paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson and his team. Lucy is estimated to have lived about 3.2 million years ago.

In this resource, designed for my own class of neurodivergent students I have made 2 versions that introduce Lucy.


1 x simplified story of who Lucy is in large and smaller print

1 x cloze excercise (with answers provided)

1 x Lucy reading divided into question headings

1 x marking rubric to go with the above for the child to use to help guide them in a research project


11 pages

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