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Alternative formats for Addition - basic facts

Alternative formats for Addition - basic facts

Regular price $2.75 USD
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To be presented after child has been introduced to addition charts and to encourage pre algebraic thinking


Help your students understand different ways of reading and answering questions. A vital skill for algebraic thinking.


16 questions for each set. 1 set per page.

No answers given.


Set 1: Solve 2nd addend

Set 2: Solve 1st addend

Set 3: ? = 8 + 4

Set 4: 6 = 2 + ?

Set 5: 6 = ? + 2

Set 6: Solve both addends


See all in this series

Alternative formats for subtraction

Alternative formats for multiplication

Alternative formats for division


get it in our money saving maths bundle here or the Alternative Basic Facts Eqautions here 


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