Do your students know their times tables really well? Perhaps it is time to introduce multiples. In this series of lessons we look at introducing multiples to children. Generally this lesson is great for ages 9+. It is also a great lead into common multiples.
Introduction to Multiples
Before doing this lesson child/ren need to be generally secure with their times tables that is they could give you a nearly instant answer for any given equation
You will need:
Bead chains (if you have them)
Colored bead bars
Multiples of Number chart
Task cards
Layout a chain (five is a good one). If you don't have chains do this with the bead bars.
Lay out the arrows. Say: each number has a special name. It is called a multiple. These are the multiples of five. Count them again.
Say: A multiple is any number that can be divided evenly by another number. Each of these numbers is a multiple of five. We can use five to make them.
Use the coloured beads to find all the multiples of a number.
Don't use premade tickets, the child could make them as they go
These task cards allow the child to independently explore multiples


PRESENTATION 3 - Multiple chart

Explain to the student you are going to make a record of all the multiples of 2.
Count 1,2 and draw a ring around the 2 with a colored pencil. Then count 1,2 again and draw a ring around 4. Continue until 100.
Present a chart and have the child circle the multiples of a number of their choice. Ensure each multiple is colored in a different color e.g. multiples of 2 might all be colored green, multiples of three might all be colored yellow.
If you are doing this as a group lesson you could have children compare what numbers they have in common. This could start a discussion on common multiples.
Ideally you want a child to complete on one chart all the multiples of 2-10 this will enable them to see common multiples and find patterns.
If you haven't already introduced the multiple task cards do that now.
Thank you so much for writing and posting this blog. I’ve been looking for a simple explanation to help me get started with my child. I appreciate the work you put into this. Thank you again.
Thank you so much for writing and posting this blog. I’ve been looking for a simple explanation to help me get started with my child. I appreciate the work you put into this. Thank you again.