I'm Shaquita, Kru Shaquita, and I teach Upper Elementary at a Private bilingual Montessori school in Northern Thailand. I currently have 19 students and I am expecting the 20th to join us in October. We've already met and she's toured the classroom, but her parents want to wait until the new semester to begin.
Our school is bilingual, so the students learn English and Thai. Both languages are on one side of the room but separated by our grammar wall/shelf. The students love the research area. Last year we raised money for new worldbooks, so my grades 5 and 6 have really enjoyed being able to find updated information in the books.

I love all of the things in the math area. Especially these math cards that help students who need/want more independent practice in the classroom.

What are some challenges about your classroom?
A lot of my students need to sit and work independently as they are easily distracted by their peers, but I don't have the space to include anymore single desks.
How have you changed your classroom in the last year?
Over the summer, we moved classrooms as our school has expanded. So we moved into what used to be the administrator's office and the staff room (they knocked down a wall). The room is bigger, but there's less space inside, as there are lots of nooks and such.

To see more classrooms in our classroom tour series click here
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