Due to popular demand this is a glimpse into what happens in my Montessori class in New Zealand. I currently teach Years 1-3. I hope this helps you see some practicalities of my class and may give you some ideas to implement in your own situation. I am by no means an expert and I am happy to answer questions.
9am: Morning Greeting. Children pick a way they want to greet me. They point at it on the list so I know what one they are doing and go and sit on the mat. I got mine from here (it is fully editable, so I was able to add in hongi!)
I then do the roll and school notices.

9.10 Whole class writing. Today we did 'bump up your sentences.' Four sentences were given to the students and they had to enhance them in some way, for example adding in extra adjectives. After we had done four sentences the students shared with each other what they had written. They then put their books in the marking box for me to check later.
9.25 Students set up their workplans for the day using the board to guide them. One group of students used the labels on the boxes the children's work books are kept in to help them with spelling of their work plans. If they wanted to sign up for the optional lessons they wrote their names down on mini whiteboards.
I also asked children to sign up for which writing focus they wanted to be in this term, comic book writing or reports about animals. I roamed/observed and helped children with work plans during this time.
All my children bar one write down what work they are doing on their work plan. My youngest non-literate child uses a picture work plan, she puts a number beside each work to work out order. Both work plans are available in my work plan set.

Examples of our work plans

Children wrote down what group they are going to opt in.
9.40 Spelling/word study intervention lesson. This a group of four students who have dyslexia or extra language needs (Reading delay/ESOL/Reading comprehension). I am working through digraphs and blends. Each week I do 10 words of a particular blend or digraph which are common words in the English language. The activities are a combination of spelling and word study. As today was Monday the list of this weeks focus words were introduced. Children wrote each word two times and then did a word find with them. I use the site 'edhelper' to make the worksheets for this.

My other children have a list of spelling words for the week. There are different activities to do for each day of the week. The children are grouped by ability and their spelling words are linked to essential spelling words in NZ English. The children have their own sheet like this to fill out. This one is kept on the wall so they know what activity or activities to do for each day of the week.

9.45 While my spelling intervention group were working I went and checked in with a group of children who I had seen in my last walk through were not working. I had to move one child to another spot as he was not working well where he was.
9.50ish Several children came to me independently to ask for printing in their printing books.
10am A child came to me to talk about spelling words.
10.01 The spelling group from above were working on their word find, however they were spread out around the room and walking backwards and forwards from each other seeking help, I suggested they come sit together so they could better help each other. At this time I also spoke to another child who was off task.
10.03 A child came to me to ask for help reading an instruction.
10.04 Roamed the room. Spoke to children where needed. Had a discussion with two boys who were complaining about something the other class got to do and we didn't. We discussed how different classes did different things.
10.05 My teaching assistant was taking a group of children for blue series words. We use the set from here. Currently, my assistant gives 2 lessons a week on these and on the other two days ensures children are familiar with the recent lessons.
I observed the class.
10.11 Moved a child away from another child who was distracted by a discussion. I got things sorted for the next lesson.
10:13 I sat on the floor between two students and observed what they were doing.

10.22 A child approached me for help tying a rubber band onto a piece of equipment.
10.23 Maths lesson: activity centres to do with multiplication and division. Then a revision of how to use the basic multiplication chart.
10.40 The previous lesson finished. My teaching assistant and I had a chat about a couple of things we had observed in the class.
10:50 Maori lesson on adjectives in Maori for those children who opted into this lesson. While I was teaching this lesson my assistant was taking a group of children outside for a lesson on landforms with 3 part cards and the landform trays, with a focus on how these landforms relate to NZ.

11.04 Roaming: I tried to slyly eat some chocolate - discovered by a child! Two children came to me wanting to do a project, I gave them the project outline.
11.06 I went outside to check on who was out there as I only had five children inside the classroom! One group were doing fitness but they were not being respectful of the equipment or class rules so they were redirected inside.
11.08 One child approached me wanting to start a project. I asked him to go write down his focus questions. Another child said he wanted to do sharing, I reminded him what we do if we want to do sharing (write our name on the whiteboard)
11.12 I wrote music on board ready for music lesson. I sent one child with mini whiteboard to go and collect children for lesson. Today's lesson was about reading music and matching the rhythm to a known song. I clapped a rhythm and children told me what song it was. Tomorrow there will be an activity like this students can do independently. It will be on the music shelf.

11.25 Maths lesson: skip counting in 2s in Te Reo Maori on modified hundred board. We also did some practise of applying skip counting through 'imaging' I hid 'rugby balls'(counters) underneath these pieces of paper and we practised skip counting in 2s. The rugby balls were covered and the children had to image in their heads.

11.40 A child approached me to start a project with another child who had come to me earlier to do a project. There was some confusion over what the topic was that they were studying.
11.45 Pack up time, Circle time. I checked in with the children about what work they had done.
12pm BINGO games - whole class. Country Bingo and Continent Bingo. Most children worked with a partner or in a small group.

12.25 We combined with the senior class for Hui in their space. This is student led, we have a roster so students know who is leading. We sung a song together, chosen by the children. The other teacher asked about morning tea foods the children would like. Other children had notices and concerns that they raised. The student leaders chose children to talk and led the conversation. We then returned to our classroom.
12.40 Blessing of food and Lunch time.